Symbiosis (sim buy oh sis, sim bee oh sis) : Two dissimilar organisms living as one, such that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Think of food and wine, vines and earth, music and dance, people and pets.
About Symbiosis

Symbiosis Wines is as small and green as possible — using practices like gravity racking instead of pumping, pallet jacking versus fork-lifting, low carbon footprint labeling and packaging, recycled materials whenever possible, no ultra-heavy glass, minimal trucking, etc. All grapes are hand harvested from vineyards using sustainable practices. Wines are made on site, by hand, by one person — Glenna Thompson.
Glenna worked as an upholsterer and trained as a ballet dancer while beginning a career as a Biologist. She then went from exhibit design and development in Science museums to aquaculture to environmental microbiology before starting a Ph.D. in marine microbiology. 8 years later, a wine tasting trip lured her to Paso Robles, where she spent several years running labs for various wineries. Recognizing that winemaking was a symbiotic mix of art and science, she launched Symbiosis in 2007.